2008 National Middle School Bridge Championship and National Middle School Bridge Summer Camp
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2008 National Middle School Bridge Championship and National Middle School Bridge Summer Camp
Jiangxi Fuzhou Bridge Association

First, the organizer:

China Middle School Sports Association

China Bridge Association

Second, the organizer:

Fuzhou Yizhong

Third, the time and place of the competition:

1. Competition time: July 24th to 29th, 2008

2. Venue: Fuzhou No.1 Middle School, Jiangxi Province

Fourth, the competition project:

High school group, junior high school group team competition; high school group, junior high school group doubles.

V. Entry methods:

The education department (bureau, education committee) of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government is responsible for the registration of the region.

(1) Entry quota:

1. All provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in the name of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, report to each team to participate in the high school and junior high school team competitions.

2. Each middle school can independently form a team in the name of the middle school and report to the 1 team to participate in the team competition of the corresponding group.

3. Units enrolled in the team competition may allow 2 pairs of players participating in the team competition to participate in the doubles of the corresponding group. Units that have not signed up for the team competition can sign up for a pair of doubles in the corresponding group.

(2) Entry conditions:

1. The athletes participating in the high school competition have ordinary secondary schools, secondary vocational schools, and secondary technical schools.

2. The athletes participating in the junior high school group must be students of ordinary junior high schools with formal student status.

3. Athletes must be qualified for the Culture Examination and comply with the relevant regulations of the school and be healthy.

(3) Entry methods:

1. Each team can report 1 team leader, 1 coach and 4 to 6 players. Only the team that signed up for the doubles can report to the team and coaches, and the athletes.

2. Registration: Each participating unit will send the registration form to the Competition Management Department of the Joint Sports Department of the Sports Training Center of the State Sports General Administration and the Competition Management Department of the Student Sports Association of the Ministry of Education before April 5, 2008. Overdue by abstention (subject to local postmark date).

Bridge Department of the National Sports General Administration Chess Sports Management Center:

Address: No. 80, Tiantan East Road, Chongwen District, Beijing, China, 100061.

Contact number: 010-87559165, fax: 010-67115728

Ministry of Education Student Sports Association Joint Secretariat Competition Management Department

Address: 602, Building 4, Shangdi Technology Building, No. 8 Shangdi West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100085

Contact: Jiqiang

Contact number: 010-66093815 Fax: 010-66093840

3. All athletes participating in this competition must be officially registered with the Joint Secretariat of the Student Sports Association of the Ministry of Education, and have obtained the "China Middle School Athletes Registration Card" after review.

4. Registration: Each team will report to the competition area one day before the competition.

Check-in location: No. 195, Fuzhou City Highway (Fuzhou Yizhong)

Contact: Zhu Wenhui 13809875520 Juan 13879493878

At the time of registration, athletes are required to bring a student ID card and a personal accident insurance policy.

5. All entrants must apply for “personal accident insurance” (including during the competition and on the way to and from the competition) at the local insurance company.

6. The participating funds shall be implemented in accordance with the national expenditure standards for the relevant current sports competitions. Each team will pay a room and board fee of RMB 75 per person per day when they report.

Sixth, the first registration method:

1. The person in charge of the school where the athlete is located is registered in the registration center of the Student Sports Association website of the Ministry of Education (www.sports.edu.cn) or directly registered in the school sports competition registration management system (education network: Netcom/Telecom: 211.1151.94.148) The online registration of athletes shall be approved by the Ministry of Education Student Sports Association and the Secretariat in charge of the registration and issuance of the registration card after the online audit of the athlete's education department (educational committee).

When registering, you need to fill in the athlete information, registration period, uploading athlete photos, ID card, scanned student ID card, etc. (see National Student Athlete Registration Management Regulations).

Contact: Zhao Junjie He Ming, contact number: 010-66093835/66093836

2. Registration fee: According to the “National Student Athlete Registration Management Measures”, the cost and handling fee for each registered athlete is 20 yuan/year.

3. The registration deadline is one month before the competition. The registration time of the network is subject to the deadline. It will not be accepted and will not be accepted for registration.

Seven, the competition method:

(1) The competition implements the rules of the China Bridge Competition approved by the China Bridge Association.

(2) The competition strictly enforces the rules for the violation of disciplines of Chinese middle school students' sports competitions.

(3) The competition shall be presided over by the competition team and the referee.

(4) Competition methods:

1. When one of the teams fails to reach the 8 teams, they will be merged into one group to compete.

2. The specific competition method will be determined according to the registration conditions.

Eight, rewards:

(1) Take the top 8 awards and issue certificates.

(2) Granting masters points to the winners in accordance with the relevant provisions of the China Bridge Association.

9. The referee and the arbitration committee will be assigned separately.

X. Matters not covered otherwise.

     (1) Matters not covered otherwise.

     (2) The right to interpret this procedure belongs to the China Middle School Sports Association and the China Bridge Association.