A Devil of a Coup
Source: | Author:proa20e56 | Published time: 2021-06-17 | 433 Views | Share:
A Devil of a Coup

Source: www.abfevents.com.au newsletter February 2019

Brian SeniorBrian Senior


COUP OF THE MONTH #8 (June 2018) was the Devil’s Coup, described by Brian Senior as “a rare play – so rare, in fact, that I don’t recall ever having brought it off in all my years of bridge.”

Geir BrekkaGeir Brekka



The following hand was written up in the IBPA Bulletin, January 2016, having been played at the European Championships in 2015.

I present a Devil’s Coup, executed by Geir Brekka:








West led a heart. Brekka took dummy’s Heart SuitA and played the club SuitA (discarding a heart), club ruff, diamond to the diamond SuitQ and another club ruff. He then played high diamonds (discarding a heart from dummy on the third round) and, on the last one, West wrongly elected to discard a heart, so dummy’s last heart was thrown. Declarer trumped a heart, then a club (trumping low) to reach this position:

On the Heart SuitJ, West had no adequate answer. If he trumped high, Brekka would overtrump, then finesse the spade SuitJ (or even trump the club). If he trumped low, dummy over-ruffs, and declarer makes the last two tricks on a high cross-ruff. With a trump loser and the heart finesse failing, he had made all 13 tricks!