The Twenty-first National West District Bridge Championships Successfully Completed in 2016
Source: | Author:proa20e56 | Published time: 2018-04-23 | 1240 Views | Share:
The Twenty-first National West District Bridge Championships Successfully Completed in 2016
Publisher : Qinghai Bridge Association

  The 21st Western District Bridge Championship in 2016 was successfully concluded on September 25 in Nanchuan Industrial Park, Xining City. After more than three days of fierce competition from more than 200 bridge players from seven provinces in the western region, Inner Mongolia’s players have achieved stable technical and tactical competitions and won solid championships for men and women. Li Linchang and Zhang Weidong of the Qinghai Men's Team won the second place in the North and South Divisions of the doubles team; Wang Tianwen and Si Min of the Golmud Men's Team won the third place in the North and South Division of the Doubles Team;